
Stats(8733): These stats are the best in the game. An 8 in his main power and a 7 in his secondary give great flexibility. Twenty-one points are a lot, but not so much that you can't put him in a deck.

* CIA TRAINING (LZ) {C} Acts as a level 4 Intellect attack. May be used against Reserve, who may defend. If successful against Reserve, Spawn may attack Reserve for remainder of game.
This is an ok card and an ok attack. Attackingthe reserve usually has very little effect, so the bonus is not very usable. Use it if you need an extra card to make 56.
* FINITE POWER (ZY) {X} [OPD] Play on Target Character as an attack. For remainder of battle, Target Character may not attack unless Opponent also discards 2 cards per attack. Cards may be Placed or in Hand.
I have never played with this card, since it is a promo I do not have it, but I think it would be average. I would basically lock up a character from attacking, which helps in venture. You could use it as a trick with a card like Jubilee's Wisecrack to waste your opponent's cards in hand.
* HEAVY WEAPONS (AR) {C} Acts as a level 7 Strength attack.
A great card. It's a level 7 attack in a true off power. Use 2-3 of them.
* LIVING COSTUME (MF) {R} [OPD] Target Teammate may play any Spawn Special cards for remainder of game.
Spawn is most likely to be a target, so this card helps if he goes down. Great positive effect even though it does not count for venture. Use it.

* MAGICKAL CHAINS (LV) {C} Choose one Tactic: Artifact card from Draw pile and place in hand. Cannot be a duplicate. Reshuffle Draw pile.
I have never used this card, but I could see how it could be useful if Spawn was in a team whose stats did not match up.
* PRETERNATURAL POWERS (GJ) {U} Acts as a level 4 Energy, Strength, Fighting, or Intellect attack. May make 1 additional attack.
A nice attack for spectrum with a good bonus. I use one.
* PROTECTOR OF THE INNOCENT (AD) {U} Spawn or teammate may avoid 1 attack of 9 or less.
One of the best cards in the game. With Spawn's grid, it becomes even more valuable. Use three or even four.

Overall: In my humble opinion, Spawn is the best character in the game right now. He has a great grid and provides both offense and defense. He goes great in energy and fighting teams.