The Reavers

Stats(5763): Good stats, but not great. Twenty-one points is a lot for a seven-stat character, but the six in strength and the five in energy helps.

* BONE BREAKER (AR) {U} Acts as a level 7 Energy attack.
A level seven attack in an off power. Use two.
* CYBERNETIC REBIRTH (LG) {U} Play during battle. In the battle that Reavers are KO'd, Reavers may continue to fight and are not discarded until the end of the battle.
I don't like this card. It will usually have to be placed, but I usually place Gateway. Besides, there are too many other useful specials to use instead of this one.
* CYBORGS (AA) {C} Acts as a level 4 Fighting attack. May make 1 additional attack.
A level four attack in your main power. No.
* DEATHSTRIKE (GL) {VR} [OPD] Sort through opponent's Draw Pile. Choose any 1 card and remove it from game. Reshuffle Draw Pile.
Good card. Get rid of Devourer, Power Leech, KO hero event, whatever is left in their pile that will hurt you.
* DONALD PIERCE (AO) {U} Negates the effect of any 1 Special card played by opponent.
One of the most powerful and flexible cards in the game. Use three.
* GATEWAY (LI) {R} [OPD] Discard all cards Placed on 1 Front Line teammate and remove all Hits on teammate's Permanent Record.
A great OPD. Gateway is a card you can build a deck around.
* PRETTY BOY (BJ) {VR} [OPD] Reavers may not be attacked for remainder of battle.
Works great with Gateway placed. Play Pretty Boy, take two hits to gain a card advantage in the current battle, then remove the hits in the next battle.
* SKULL BUSTER (BA) {VR} [OPD] Acts as a level 2 Energy, Strength, or Fighting attack. Can only be defended by a defensive Special card.
A pretty good card, but not good enough for me to put into a deck that already features Gateway, Deathstrike, two Bone Breakers and three Donald Pierce. With all the defensive special teams around, it will be blocked, but your opponent will have to use a good card to block a two.
Overall: I really enjoy playing The Reavers. Anyone that has a negate is a good teammate, but with the quality of OPDs they have and the seven attack, they become a tournament quality character.