Stats(7571): Oh yeah, great stats. Two sevens and only 20 points. Good
for energy or strength teams.
Acts as a level 4 Energy attack. May make 1 additional Energy attack.
Not a great card. The bonus is too limited for any real use
. Maybe on a strength only team.
Sentinels may not be attacked by a Power card with the same value as
any Power cards on Sentinels Permanent Record for remainder of
So, what? I take a level seven hit and then I play this and you
can't hit me with any more sevens? Why are there useless OPDs? Whatever.
Avoid 1 attack made with a Power card or remove 1 Power card hit from
Sentinels or teammate.
A very useful and flexible card. Great defense against
teamwork follow-ups and specials that use power card combinations. Use two.
Target character may not play Specials for remainder of battle.
I have always liked using this card, especially against
defensive special teams and people that place tons. It also eats negates if
you play it against your opponent's negater. Negate Mutant Countermeasures or
lose your negate.
Acts as a level 4 Fighting attack. If successful, target must discard
all placed cards into Dead Pile.
Zealot has this card and it is not an OPD. If you place it
and play when you know it will hit to remove placed cards, it is okay. I don't
use it.
Remove all hits with a Strength icon from Sentinels Permanent Record.
A good card from a battlesite, but not in a deck because it
is too limited. I have used it several times, but it never seems to help me
very much.
Play with any Power card usable by Sentinels. No cards of that Power
type may be played against Sentinels for remainder of battle.
Maybe if it was for reaminder of game, but this way it is
only useful as a coaster.
* ROBOT MENTALITY (AR) {C} Acts as a level 7 Intellect attack.
Great card. A seven where The Sentinels can only make a
one. Use two.
Overall: The Sentinels are one of the many OP characters
that are just one card away from being tournament quality. With a big attack
OPD or another nice OPD like a BQ or a draw 3, The Sentinels rise to the top.
As it is, they remain a fun character to play with that gets put away in
crunch time. Oh well.